OLA 2023

On February 3rd, 2023 Nicole and Dr. Lucia Cedeira Serantes traveled to Toronto to discuss research findings at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference. The presentation, titled "As Long As You Don't Call Me Ma'am": Older Library Patrons' Views On Library Programs Age Labels”, explored older adult library patrons’ perspectives on age-based labels used in their library.

Findings from this portion of the study illustrate how the age-based language used to describe and classify older adult library programming, and how this often differs with participants’ perceptions of how programs relevant to them should be labelled. Overall, participants demonstrated a clear aversion to the terms “elderly” or “senior” and to overly-endearing terms. Although most participants preferred the “older adult” label, others showed no preference at all. This discussion differs from that which took place at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference as it was specifically tailored for library staff and management. Following an overview of the study, audience members were asked to briefly share their libraries’ naming systems and an open discussion was had regarding how to best cultivate a more sensitive and critical approach to the topic of age within library practice. 


COVID-19 and Library Leisure: Older Adults’ Reading Experiences


Aging in/with Comics