Aging & Comics
“SEEniors: Visual representations of older age in illustrated materials”
This openly accessible reading guide compiles illustrated materials (including picture books, graphic novels, and comic books) that depict older adults and older age. Our goal is for this ever-growing reading guide to serve as a tool to help library workers develop collections and activities that will serve to question and challenge the stereotypical and often ageist narratives that surround aging and later life.
American Library Association Carnegie Whitney Grant
Dr. Nicole Dalmer
Dr. Lucia Cedeira Serantes
Imag(in)ing Aging Futures in Comics and Graphic Novels
Chapter contribution to forthcoming publication
Aging and the Media: International Perspectives (2022)
Edited by Virpi Ylänne
Comics can be a helpful storytelling medium through which to study the representations and portrayals of older adults and later life. Contributing to the slow but steady acceptance and visibility of comics, this chapter examines five comics in conversation with emerging ideas about queering ageing futures, drawing on Sandberg and Marshall’s (2017) article that critiques successful ageing discourse. The analysis reveals that these comics, in their exploration of the fullness and the complexities and contradictions of later life, assume a liminal quality. The older characters’ bodies, behaviours, and relationships occupy and weave through multiple, concurrent narratives associated with later life (biological decline, an imperative to age successfully, and our proposed third narrative of the queering of ageing futures). In allowing these three narratives to co-exist, the analysed comics interrogate the narrow binaries of success and failure in dominant successful ageing discourse. This interrogation provides a space to queer ageing futures and ultimately recognizes recognises a different kind of diversity in ageing futures.
The Seduction of Successful Aging: Imag(in)ing Older Age in Comics and Graphic Novels
Invited seminar presentation. McMaster University’s Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging Seminar Series. Hamilton, ON (July 2019)
Complementing the increasing presence of older adults starring in movies, TV, and books, we wanted to focus on older characters in another, increasingly popular media: comics and graphic novels. In this seminar, we discuss our ongoing American Library Association-funded reading guide that collects comics and graphic novels depicting older adult characters and later life experiences. As we showcase a selection of titles from our reading guide, we start with the difficulties of delineating “old” in comics and graphic novels. We will document how characters “do” older age as narrated and visualized throughout the included comics and how characters learn to age against different societal expectations. In doing so, we examine how these comics both resist stereotypical assumptions and ageist narratives while simultaneously yielding to the seduction of successful aging.